Youth Accounts

LLCU wants to help young members build a strong financial future! With LLCU MAKING CENTS YOUTH PROGRAM, they will have the tools and resources to do so. Our PENNY, NICKEL, and DIME Accounts were developed for different age groups in order to evolve with the changing needs of our youth as they grow older. As our young members transition through the MAKING CENTS account levels, they will be equipped with resources and tools to make sound financial decisions and plans relevant to their own age level.

Penny Account

Ages 7 & Under

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Nickel Account

Ages 8-12

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Dime Account

Ages 13-17

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Incentive Programs 

We also offer incentive programs to all age groups for reading and getting good grades!

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Account Offerings & Learning Tools

Penny Account (AGES 7 & Under)

It is never too early to teach the importance of saving! LLCU’s Penny Account is designed to do just that! LLCU Penny Account members will receive an LLCU Coin Card to help collect change until they are ready to make a deposit. For each deposit the Making Cents Member makes they will be able to choose a prize from the LLCU Treasure Chest!

Account Details

  • Designed for Ages 7 & under
  • $5 to open
  • No monthly service fee
  • Earns dividends

What to Expect

  • Their own Account Card
  • LLCU Coin Card
  • School aged members are eligible for LLCU’s Pays for A’s Program
  • Eligible for LLCU’s Bucks for Books Program
  • Educational Content to teach about saving, counting, and more!

* Automatic transfer to Nickel Account on 8th birthday.

Nickel Account (AGES 8-12 YEARS)

Let your kid’s financial knowledge TAKE OFF with LLCU’s Nickel Account. This account and program will help teach them the importance of earning and budgeting money. Nickel Account members will receive a prize from the LLCU Treasure Chest and have access to educational content to help develop smart money habits.

Account Details

  • Designed for Ages 8 to 12
  • $5 to open
  • No monthly service fee
  • Earns dividends

What to Expect

  • Their own Account Card
  • Eligible for LLCU’s Pays for A’s Program & Bucks for Books
  • Educational Content to teach about the basics of earning, spending and saving!

* Automatic transfer to Dime Account on 13th birthday.

Dime Account (AGES 13-17 YEARS)

The teen years brings about more responsibility. The LLCU Dime Account will help them learn to take on more financial responsibility. With the Dime Account, your teen may have their own LLCU Debit Card. Be sure to discuss safe practices of a debit card with your kid or feel free to have them talk with an LLCU staff member. Dime Account holders still have the chance to pick prizes from the LLCU Treasure Chest and can utilize provided educational materials to help with grown up financial decisions that will soon be coming their way.

Account Details

  • Designed for Ages 13 to 17
  • $5 to open
  • No monthly service fee
  • Earns dividends

What to Expect

  • Their own Account Card
  • Eligible for Checking Account & Debit Card
  • LLCU’s Pays for A’s Program & Bucks for Books Program
  • Educational Content to teach about basic “adult” banking and saving for big future expenses!

Let's Learn

Ready to learn money smart tips and tricks? You have come to the right place! Here you will find our quarterly newsletters, activities, and educational videos.

Nickel Account Activities


* This video refers to transaction limits and fees in a general manner. For specific fee rates and limitations on your account, ask an LLCU Member Representative!

Dime Account Activities


*Saturday Night Live is a comedy sketch show. This sketch/video is indented to be funny. All jokes aside the video does explain how simple it should be to spend less than what you earn.

Incentive Programs

Pays for As

Pays for A's Program

Good grades can be hard to earn, so we're sweetening the deal! LLCU is Paying for A's! All school age Making Cents Savings Account members have the opportunity to turn in their report cards and cash in for A's. 

Here’s how to participate:

  • Open an MAKING ¢ENTS LLCU Youth Savings Account with just $5.00!
  • Count up your A's and bring in your QUARTERLY report card
  • We will deposit $1 into your account for EVERY “A” Grade (or equivalent).
  • Withdrawal the funds or KEEP SAVING – IT’S UP TO YOU!


Must be eligible for membership. Minimum account balance of $5.00 required to receive incentive. Report card presented must be official print out of school child is attending. Quarterly report cards only. Must redeem within 30 days of official report card posting date. Incentives earned for each “A” grade will be deposited in participant’s LLCU Youth Savings Account within 2 business days of presenting report card at any LLCU location. Pays for A’s Promotion valid from September 1st – June 30th each year. LLCU MAKING CENTS Youth Accounts earn 0.08% APY**.

Bucks for Books

LLCU is paying kids to READ! With our Bucks for Books Program kids of all ages have the chance to boost their savings while forming good habits and strengthening their reading skills.

Here’s how to participate:

  • Open an MAKING CENTS LLCU Youth Savings Account with just $5.00!
  • Fill out the Bucks for Books Log and turn it into your LLCU Branch once you’ve read 10 books.
  • $10 will be deposited into your Making Cents LLCU Youth Savings Account.
  • Withdrawal the funds or KEEP SAVING – IT’S UP TO YOU!


Must be eligible for membership. Minimum account balance of $5.00 required to receive incentive. BUCKs for BOOKs rewards will be paid out to any child aged 3 – 17 years old with a completed book log, or to any parent/legal guardian of a child aged 1-2 years old, who participated in Parent/Child reading time. (parent reading to child) and completed the book log. A maximum of 5 completed book logs in a 12-month period are allowed to be submitted and receive the incentive deposit to the youth account – per member. Book logs can be submitted for incentive redemption at any time after completion of the reading and obtaining verification signature. All logs must be verified and signed by a guardian or teacher of child. The incentive will be paid within two (2) business days of submitted completed and verified log to branch representative. LLCU MAKING CENTS Youth Accounts earn 0.08% APY**.

*All LLCU Making Cents Youth Account Members must have a parent/guardian sign as a joint account holder or a parent/guardian must sign a permission slip for any member aged 16-17 years. Must be eligible for membership to qualify for the Pays for A's and/or Bucks for Books programs. Must have a minimum balance of $5.00 to receive incentive.  Click here to view LLCU membership requirements.

**APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APY is accurate as of 02/01/2024.


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