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LLCU & City of Decatur Host Joint Ribbon Cutting

8/14/2024 Cayla Hittmeier

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Representatives of various community organizations involved in the project participate in the official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the Union Street home & property.

Decatur, Illinois, August 14th, 2024 – During a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony held today jointly by Land of Lincoln Credit Union (LLCU) and the City of Decatur, the finished product of a year-long community collaborative effort aimed at neighborhood revitalization and community service was unveiled. The initiative began with LLCU donating a house and property (located on Union Street in Decatur) to the City of Decatur to be used as a single-family dwelling for displaced families seeking transitional housing through the Empowerment Opportunity Center. To make the home inhabitable, a large community collaboration began involving LLCU, the City of Decatur, Richland Community College Workforce Development, Decatur Trades & Labor Assembly, Shemilah Community Outreach, and Empowerment Opportunity Center. All parties brought resources and expertise to the project to ready the home for use.

Remarks on the project were shared by Decatur City Councilman Pat McDaniel, City of Decatur Director of Economic & Community Development, Cordaryl “Pat” Patrick, LLCU President & CEO, Robert Ares, and Executive Director of Empowerment Opportunity Center of Decatur, Tara Murray.

“To do community revitalization well, we have to connect with the right community partners,” stated Cordaryl “Pat” Patrick, City of Decatur. “Today isn’t necessarily about this house, but it is about how many partners came together in our community to make an investment in people.”

“I want to thank the community partners who came together to help change Decatur, one house at a time,” stated Robert Ares, LLCU President & CEO. “The promise of this project is that the citizens who will inhabit the home may feel helpless at times, but because of this effort, they will not feel hopeless.”

“This project is a true example of how community partners can come together to help the individuals we serve, to help them feel empowered and self-reliant,” stated Tara Murray, Empowerment Center of Decatur Executive Director.

At the close of the ceremony, the keys to the home were turned over to Empowerment Opportunity Center and a family will begin to live in the home upon the completion of furnishings.


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To read the previous article when the project was kicked off, CLICK HERE.



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